Monday, September 28, 2009

Health Care

Time to get political...but how do we go about it? Demonstrate? (there's not too much going on in Springfield to demonstrate...)Write letters to Congress? (already have...but never get an answer).
The reason I ask these questions is I'm so tired of seeing all the negative press that Obama's health care reform bill(s) get...can't people just take a minute, have an open mind and give it an objective POV before chastising? What is wrong with America to where no matter how hard someone tries, everything they do is met with immediate cynicism? I was reading an article yesterday on past POTUSs that got things done when they needed done. When we needed rubber, steel etc. for WWII, it didn't take a year of red tape to get the supplies, it happened overnight. When we decided to go to the moon, it only took 8 years! Sure, that's 2 terms, but to go from an idea like that, of travelling that far, and making it happen in 8 years!
We have tried health care reform before and it's been shut down. Universal health care would completely change the American landscape and culture for the better. Insurance companies would be forced to compete, which would bring prices down. Everyone would have access to health care, so lives would be saved. On the flip side, with competition, it would help distribute the wealth (part of Obama's plan) more evenly as the insurance companies wouldn't be insanely wealthy because their prices would have competition. There are more points than this, but I just wanted to point out a few that make sense and cover the big picture. And you know what, if universal health care means I have to pay an extra .05% of my income to taxes, then so be it. Right now, around 5% of my monthly income goes to insurance/copays/ shrink it down to .05%-1% would be fantastic!
Anyway, enough of my rant. I had to get it out as I didn't know where else to go. I only hope someone reads this and gleans something from favor or health care reform!

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